Cream •Garlic and Almonds •Agrinitti •GR100 x 01 View larger

Cream •Garlic and Almonds •Agrinitti •GR100 x 01


(with evo oil) mix of fruit and vegetables and greens seasoning or cream or pate ' - ingredients: aglio + mandorla + olio extra vergine di oliva +...


info about producer: Agrinitti

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Cream •Garlic and Almonds •Agrinitti •GR100 x 01

(with evo oil) mix of fruit and vegetables and greens seasoning or cream or pate ' - ingredients: aglio + mandorla + olio extra vergine di oliva + prezzemolo - manufacturer: Agrinitti

Delicata crema di due prodotti famosissimi: aglio e mandorle.
L’aglio è un bulbo avvolto in squame che viene usato largamente in alimentazione come condimento aromatico, è noto anche per alcune azioni terapeutiche è difatti un buon antisettico naturale e svolge una notevole azione vermifuga, inoltre stimola la secrezione gastrica, facilitando la digestione, poiché viene cotto non provoca fenomeni collaterali gastroenterici.
La mandorla è un frutto originario dell’Asia, oggi coltivato in tutto il bacino del Mediterraneo. La parte edibile del seme è bianca, oleosa, con un sapore piacevolmente dolce, è ricca di principi nutrizionali energetici e biodinamici che danno un altissimo apporto energetico, plastico, vitaminico e salino.

Si presta per svariati abbinamenti ed usi in cucina, si può gustare su crostini ad inizio pasto, per guarnire primi piatti di pasta o insalate, o come accompagnamento di carni rosse e secondi piatti.

Questa crema o condimento è fatto con olio extravergine di oliva, utilizza materie prime attentamente selezionate e controllate senza aggiunta di conservanti né coloranti, lavorate con una tecnica naturale che fa conferire al prodotto le stesse caratteristiche gustative di freschezza, genuinità ed equilibrio sensoriale tipici delle materie prime.

Prodotto senza glutine.

Disponibilità: tutto l’anno secondo lista disponibilità e/o scorta aziendale.

Ingredienti: aglio 35%, MANDORLE 35%, olio extravergine d'oliva, prezzemolo (origine Puglia-Italia), pepe bianco, sale 1%.

Correttore di acidità: acido citrico (E330).


info about producer: Agrinitti

Agrinitti, Castellana Grotte, Bari, Apulia, Italy.

The agricultural production and food processing company was founded by chemical technician Vito Nitti back in 1984.

In company initially it took place only agricultural production activities in particular the cultivation of mushrooms. In 1992, Mr Nitti warned a strong need to enhance even more manufacturing of farm products in transforming pickles, sauces, creams, condiments, jams etc.

Continuous and repeated even today, courses and research gave the company the possibility to establish collaborative relationships, almost continuous, with higher technical institutes for chemical-technology-focused, hospitality and agriculture, with the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Bari and with the European Agronomic Institute IAMB of Valenzano. The company cooperates with them by performing for Superior Technical training courses and internships in the food industry and research on new products and processing methods.

The AGRINITTI farm produces and preserves vegetables in extra virgin olive oil, using carefully selected raw materials and check the origin, even from a microbiological point of view, without preservatives or colorings.

Year by year, experimenting with pleasure new products and crops, Agrinitti increased the type and amount of crop farm directly without the use of pesticides and fertilizers in order to offer the best authenticity guarantees and security for consumers. Especially the freshly picked, with their freshness and quality, are processed to preserve the most of their characteristics.

Pickled vegetables, mushrooms, tomato sauce, canned tomatoes, sauces, pickles, jams, fruit juices, creams and sauces enrich the range, which includes more than one hundred and twenty kinds of products.

Everything is made with HACCP self-control system in the implementation of the EC Regulation 852/2004 and Legislative Decree 193/2007 and in accordance with EC Reg. 178/02 on the compulsory traceability of food.

I genuini sapori di Puglia Agrinitti



(*) Info about the products we will ship: the wines of the last vintage the producer is marketing; extra virgin olive oils from the last harvest and milling campaign of the producer; preserves and bakery products from the last packaging of the producer.
(**) We ship regularly; delivery time depends on the destination.
(***) We are updating our catalog, several product's sheets and categories may be empty. Please contact us if you need info about ingredients and product's facts.
(****) Our Team is always happy to receive and to answer your requests of information: - wines of detailed vintage - information and details about products - brand, products and size you are not finding in our catalog - information about customization of packaging and labels - support for creating your account to log in into our club TIPICI.CLUB - chat about our job and your curiosities - etc. etc. etc.

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