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Funghi castagnoli interi -in Olio EVO -Macina -GR580 x 01


prezzo riferito a 01 barattolo da Kg 0.580 - brand: Macina - in parole chiave: , Funghi castagnoli interi, Macina srls, Modugno, Bari, Puglia, Italia


info about producer: Macina

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Funghi castagnoli interi -in Olio EVO -Macina -GR580 x 01

Prezzo attuale: € 7.14 IVA inclusa

Prezzo unitario (per 1 Kg di prodotto - calcolato sulla quantitá netta): € 12.31 IVA inclusa

prezzo riferito a 01 barattolo da Kg 0.580 - brand: Macina - in parole chiave: , Funghi castagnoli interi, Macina srls, Modugno, Bari, Puglia, Italia

Per visualizzare tutti i prodotti Macina da acquistare online clicca sul link seguente: elenco prodotti Macina >

Stiamo aggiornando la scheda prodotto. Puoi richiedere tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno riguardo le caratteristiche, gli ingredienti ed i valori nutrizionali. Contatta il nostro team via mail [] oppure via telefono e/o whatsapp [0039 3934628548]. Ti risponderemo in tempi brevissimi.


info about producer: Macina



(*) Info about the products we will ship: the wines of the last vintage the producer is marketing; extra virgin olive oils from the last harvest and milling campaign of the producer; preserves and bakery products from the last packaging of the producer.
(**) We ship regularly; delivery time depends on the destination.
(***) We are updating our catalog, several product's sheets and categories may be empty. Please contact us if you need info about ingredients and product's facts.
(****) Our Team is always happy to receive and to answer your requests of information: - wines of detailed vintage - information and details about products - brand, products and size you are not finding in our catalog - information about customization of packaging and labels - support for creating your account to log in into our club TIPICI.CLUB - chat about our job and your curiosities - etc. etc. etc.