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Vino rosso -La Marchesana Nero di Troia Puglia -Polvanera -ML750 x 01


prezzo riferito a 01 bottiglia da Lt 0.750 - brand: Polvanera - in parole chiave: uva a bacca nera Nero di Troia in purezza, IGP Puglia, biologico,...


info about producer: Polvanera

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Vino rosso -La Marchesana Nero di Troia Puglia -Polvanera -ML750 x 01

Prezzo attuale: € 6.48 IVA inclusa

Prezzo unitario (per 1 Lt di prodotto - calcolato sulla quantitá netta): € 8.64 IVA inclusa

prezzo riferito a 01 bottiglia da Lt 0.750 - brand: Polvanera - in parole chiave: uva a bacca nera Nero di Troia in purezza, IGP Puglia, biologico, vino, rosso, monovitigno, fermo, secco, Cantine Polvanera, Gioia del Colle, Bari, Puglia, Italia

Per visualizzare tutti i prodotti Polvanera da acquistare online clicca sul link seguente: elenco prodotti Polvanera >

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Primitivo - La Marchesana Polvanera - Vino rosso IGP Puglia Primitivo - BIOLOGICO

VARIETÀ UVE: Primitivo

ZONA DI PRODUZIONE: Gioia del Colle (Bari, Puglia, Italia)



ASPETTO: Colore rosso rubino profondo con riflessi violacei

PROFUMO: Profumi intensi di piccoli frutti neri (mora, amarena, ciliegia matura) con delicate note floreali (viola) e vegetali (menta selvatica)

GUSTO: Pieno, lungo e vellutato che si completa in un finale piacevolmente ammandorlato


info about producer: Polvanera

Cantine Polvanera, Gioia del Colle, Bari, Puglia, Italia.

A long family tradition characterizes the history of Polvanera, founded in 2002 through the determination of its owner and oenologist Filippo Cassano. He has always been well aware of the potential of his territory and its typical grapes.

Thanks to his father’s skills in viticulture and his own traning at “Basile Caramia” School of Agriculture in Locorotondo, Filippo decided to bet on pure vinification, a process that enhances the peculiar characteristics of both vines and terroir.

Located between Acquaviva delle Fonti and Gioia del Colle, Polvanera is surrounded by a singular countryside, with typical dry stone walls, downy oaks and vineyards.

The cellar itself is uncommon: excavated into 8 meters of limestone rock, this charming structure allows the ageing of wines at a constant temperature. The annexed building is a 1820 manor in which tourists and guests are welcomed to taste wines.

Polvanera is placed next to a famous touristic area of Apulia, 30 minutes far from Itria Valley and Matera.

The harvest of grapes takes place during the first ten days of September. Latest equipments for pressing and vinification contribute to the BIO selection offered by Polvanera.

Thanks to his worthy co-workers and the fundamental backing of his family, Filippo Cassano holds on his ambitious project of promoting and enhancing the quality of Primitivo and other autochthonous vines.

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(*) Info about the products we will ship: the wines of the last vintage the producer is marketing; extra virgin olive oils from the last harvest and milling campaign of the producer; preserves and bakery products from the last packaging of the producer.
(**) We ship regularly; delivery time depends on the destination.
(***) We are updating our catalog, several product's sheets and categories may be empty. Please contact us if you need info about ingredients and product's facts.
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