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wholemeal biscuits •Biscotti Senatore •S.Cappelli •Bisco •GR300 x 01


Cookies integrals Senator - Bisco - 0,300 kg plastic - ingredients: - manufacturer: Bisco


info about producer: Tormaresca

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wholemeal biscuits •Biscotti Senatore •S.Cappelli •Bisco •GR300 x 01

Cookies integrals Senator - Bisco - 0,300 kg plastic - ingredients: - manufacturer: Bisco

Biscotti del Senatore integrali Kg 0,300 - Biscò, mordi la vita con gusto - linea biscotti della salute

Biscotti integrali con semola rimacinata integrale di grano duro Senatore Cappelli ed olio extra vergine di oliva.

I biscotti artigianali della linea "i biscotti della salute" vengono prodotti utilizzando semola rimacinata di grano duro della varietà Senatore Cappelli, una tipologia di grano duro molto pregiata, farro e cereali, nonchè olio extra vergine di oliva.

conservare il prodotto in luogo fresco e asciutto, lontano da fonti di calore.

semola rimacinata integrale di grano duro varietà senatore Cappelli, zucchero di canna, olio Extravergine d’Oliva (12%), agenti lievitanti (carbonato acido di ammonio, carbonato acido di sodio, cremor tartaro).

a colazione, come snack dolce pomeridiano per accompagnare caffè, tè e tisane.


info about producer: Tormaresca

Tormaresca - Minervino Murge, Barletta-Andria-Trani - San Pietro Vernotico, Brindisi - Puglia, Italy.



(*) Info about the products we will ship: the wines of the last vintage the producer is marketing; extra virgin olive oils from the last harvest and milling campaign of the producer; preserves and bakery products from the last packaging of the producer.
(**) We ship regularly; delivery time depends on the destination.
(***) We are updating our catalog, several product's sheets and categories may be empty. Please contact us if you need info about ingredients and product's facts.
(****) Our Team is always happy to receive and to answer your requests of information: - wines of detailed vintage - information and details about products - brand, products and size you are not finding in our catalog - information about customization of packaging and labels - support for creating your account to log in into our club TIPICI.CLUB - chat about our job and your curiosities - etc. etc. etc.